
There are no “technical initiatives” — only ones you don’t understand

Many product managers don’t know how to prioritise technical work against new features. This is because they don’t have a deep enough understanding of the value of certain technical work. This week, we explore the ways to unify these often separate work streams.

· Startup advice  #advice #startups #technology
Don’t charge extra for single sign-on

In B2B SaaS, it has become the norm to charge extra for single sign-on. This week, we explore the argument for why SaaS companies should resist the urge to gate this feature.

· Startup advice  #advice #startups #technology
Cybersecurity for startups

Startups can be flippant with cybersecurity, but even small companies are targets for attack. Worse, many startups never outgrow their poor security habits. This week, we explore a few ways startups can improve their security posture.

· Startup advice  #advice #startups #operations #technology
DevOps is more important than product management for startups

One thing I’ve noticed when talking to startups is how DevOps and product management are adopted to solve many of the same problems. While I think most companies will eventually require both, I’ve come to believe that it is more valuable to invest early in DevOps than product management.

· Startup advice  #advice #startups #operations #technology
Taking on and paying down technical debt

A common topic in product companies is the prioritisation of so-called customer-facing initiatives versus so-called technical initiatives (e.g., automated testing, reusable technical patterns, SDKs, automation, API-first services).

· Startup advice  #advice #startups #technology