Chinese food in the West is often Cantonese due to early Chinese immigration during a time when Western palates were conservative.
The paper assesses country-specific human capital in terms of labour productivity, independent of wage discrimination, adjusting for education and experience.
Ideologies attract certain psychological temperaments, with supporters often mistakenly believing their backing is rooted in science and objectivity when in reality it conflicts with material reality.
John Adams is known for his quotations, many originating from letters to his wife, Abigail.
Henry George was a prominent Gilded Age economist whose book ‘Progress and Poverty’ influenced Sun Yat-sen, the founder of modern China. Sun’s political philosophy, the Three Principles of the People, especially the principle of mínshēng, reflected Georgist ideas.
The industrial revolution significantly boosted economic output, populations, living standards, and life expectancy, with Britain leading due to high wages and low energy costs coupled with incentivised mechanisation of manufacturing.
“Malleus Maleficarum,” written by Heinrich Kramer in 1486, is a well-known treatise on witchcraft, presenting the author’s views, which he ascribes to be the stance of the Church, on prosecuting witches and equating sorcery with heresy.
Bumiputera is a Malaysian term identifying indigenous peoples, including Malays and the Orang Asli, and it informs affirmative action policies favouring them, originally to ease post-1969 racial tensions.
Herbert Marshall McLuhan was a Canadian philosopher and a cornerstone in media theory, famous for his aphorism “the medium is the message”.
The Kristang, also known as Portuguese-Eurasians, are a creole ethnic group in Malaysia with mixed heritage, predominantly Portuguese and Malaccan, along with Dutch, British, Jewish, Malay, Chinese, and Indian influences.
Enrique of Malacca was a Malay who became part of Magellan’s expedition, which completed the first circumnavigation of the world between 1519 and 1522.
Wong Ah Kiu, also known as Nyonya binti Tahir, was a Malaysian woman of mixed descent who was raised Buddhist despite being born to a Muslim family. Her case raised issues of religious freedom in Malaysia when a dispute emerged over her funeral rites after her death.
Lina Joy, originally Azlina Jailani, converted from Islam to Christianity at age 26 and sought legal recognition of her conversion in Malaysia.
Andorra is a sovereign landlocked country on the Iberian Peninsula, established as a principality in 1278, bordered by France and Spain.
Konrad Adenauer was the first Chancellor of the Federal Republic of Germany from 1949 to 1963 and the leader of the Christian Democratic Union (CDU) from 1946 to 1966. He was a devout Catholic and previously involved in the Catholic Centre Party, serving as Mayor of Cologne and in the Prussian State Council.
The Italian Unionist Movement, formed on 12 October 1944 by Ugo Damiani, Santi Paladino, and Corrado Gini, aimed to have Italy join the United States to form a world government for peace.
The paper proposes the selective migration hypothesis, suggesting that the migration of individualistic people from collectivist regions to frontiers contributes to current cultural differences along the individualism–collectivism dimension.
Sir Oswald Ernald Mosley was a British politician who founded and led the British Union of Fascists in the 1930s, after becoming disillusioned with mainstream politics.
Francisco de Pina (1585–1625) was a Portuguese Jesuit who created the first Latinized script of the Vietnamese language, influencing the modern Vietnamese alphabet.
Nguyễn Văn Thiệu was a South Vietnamese military officer who served as president from 1967 to 1975. Initially joining and then leaving the Việt Minh, he became a general in the Republic of Vietnam Armed Forces and was accused of corruption during his presidency.
Graham Anderson Martin was the last U.S. Ambassador to South Vietnam from 1973 to 1975, appointed with the perception that as a liberal Democrat, any failures wouldn’t adversely affect the Republican Nixon administration. His commitment to the Vietnam War was notable when others had lost faith.
Đổi Mới refers to economic reforms in Vietnam initiated in 1986 aimed at transitioning from a command economy to a socialist-oriented market economy, introducing private ownership and a stock exchange.
The Eleusinian Mysteries were annual initiations for the cult of Demeter and Persephone at Eleusis in ancient Greece, rooted in older agrarian cults and possibly Mycenaean practices, involving symbolic phases of loss, search, and ascent.
Friendly societies are mutual associations that provide insurance, pensions, savings, or cooperative banking services to their members, established before modern insurance and welfare systems.
Vietnam’s economic system is termed a socialist-oriented market economy; it’s a multi-sector market with state direction aimed at developing socialism ultimately, stemming from the Đổi Mới reforms of 1986.