
Italian food is surprisingly modern

Alberto Grandi challenges the traditional notions of Italian cuisine, claiming that many Italian classics are relatively recent inventions.

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Rediscovering Ancient Greek music

This is an incredibly fascinating article, and the related video is fantastic.

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A British family living in China during the Cultural Revolution

This is an interesting story about a British family living in China during the Cultural Revolution.

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The story of Mexico City's most iconic sound

Anyone who’s spent as little as a day in Mexico City has heard fierro viejo, the incredibly charming and annoying marketing siren of scrap metal haulers. This is the story of fierro viejo and the people who use it.

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Modernism as a Cold War weapon

US elites (cultural, government, and security) conspired to make American modernism a successful counterpoint to the socialist realism of the Soviet Union.

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Remembering the Berlin Wall

An interesting conversation from 1989 from a mailing list, discussing the fall of the Berlin Wall.

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Make Something Wonderful by Steve Jobs

This is the best book about Steve Jobs, because it’s built with direct quotes from Steve (interviews, emails, notes-to-self). While most meander around the details of his personal life or glorify him as a tech prophet, this book homes in on some practical takeaways from his success and worldview. It demystifies him.

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Sic transit gloria mundi

All glory is fleeting.

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Centrally planned vacations in the Soviet Union

In the Soviet Union, even vacation was regulated by the Party.

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All models are wrong

Important quote from George Box. I came across it in the context of AI, but it applies to all science. We’re just building models for understanding nature, which is probably too complex to truly understand, but some of our models are useful nonetheless.

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Miles Davis' opus

Today is the fifty-third anniversary of the most thrilling jazz album I’ve ever heard. Bitches Brew by Miles Davis.

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Black Girl from Pyongyang

Monica Macias was just seven when her African despot father left her under the guardianship of Kim Il-sung. A fascinating story about growing up in North Korea.

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Mark Twain was an investor

Not your average wordcel, it sounds like Twain was somewhat of a techno-optimist, friend of Tesla, and even tech investor.

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The Age of Average

Alex Murrell laments and explains how all types of design have regressed to the mean.

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The Time-Travelling Economist by Charlie Robertson

This book seeks to answer one question: what makes nations rich? The answers are almost entire consistent with status quo economics from the 1950s:

· Book  #history
People had to be convinced of the usefulness of electricity

When predicting the impact of AI on society, we too often reach for very recent technological shifts. I think moments like the Industrial Revolution and the invention of electricity are more relevant. When electricity came around, it wasn’t immediately seen as a necessity. Of course nobody wants to live in a world without electricity today.

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The Lessons of History by Will and Ariel Durant

Most non-fiction books focus on a very specific topic, and when you read them, a small corner of the patchwork than makes up your worldview evolves. It is probably a good thing that most books are specific in topic because most people are unqualified to make broad, sweeping, opinionated, and strongly held assertions about the world.

· Book  #history
The US government made $15B from the 2008 bailouts

Not a lot of money, but it’s important to understand when considering future banking crises. Keeping the system together is always going to be worth it, but it’s especially encouraging to note that the taxpayer was made whole.

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Treating housing as an investment was a colossal mistake

This is increasingly the issue of my generation in many countries and yet we don’t seem to be solving the supply/demand imbalance in housing almost anywhere.

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As a lover of alternate history fiction, this is a fun project. What would English be like if it hadn’t borrowed so much from other languages?

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Amusing Ourselves to Death by Neil Postman

The premise of this book is that every information technology (e.g., Oral language, hand-writing, books, newspapers, smoke signals, radio, TV, blogs, Twitter, Instagram) creates a medium (e.g., television, literature, social media) and every medium is biased towards different types of content. Therefore, the proliferation of a technology and it’s medium(s) inevitably leads to the proliferation of the type of content that this technology favours. So, as television sets became more popular, television (the medium) proliferated, and so did the kind of content that television is biased towards.

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The factory of the future...

A great quote I found in some old notes.

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You're probably wrong about how things have changed

An interesting series of studies that show that people don’t know how public opinion has shifted over time.

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Roman vs modern concrete

Interesting commentary on the recent paper exploring “self-healing” Roman concrete.

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Bill Gates: I'm literally losing sleep over Java

In the 90s, Bill Gates predicted that the web would disrupt Windows. He imagined it would be through Java, which was incorrect, but the overall trend that Java was a part of was absolutely the downfall of the Windows cash cow.

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