Startups must work smart and hard

Strategy is a dirty word in early-stage companies. It’s easier to over-plan than under-plan. Over-planning leads to inaction, which is antithetical to startup growth. However, working smart is important. No matter how loose your plan is, it needs to be correct enough to push you in a direction that will lead to results. Startups are resource-poor and idea-rich. When you can only work on 10% of the things you know you need to do, prioritisation is crucial, and even the simplest act of prioritisation, no matter how intuition-driven it is, is an act of strategy.

Working smart is not enough, though. Startups need to work smart and work hard. This is why startups fail: they require unbelievable perseverance. It is excruciating to create product-market fit. It’s even more painful to build a repeatable growth model. And no matter how hard you work, if you make bad decisions, you will fail anyway.

Every startup is under constant threat of being strangled in the cradle by incumbents. By now, large companies are aware of the constant threat of disruption by startups. All great tech companies won by overcoming their Goliaths. So, they themselves look for budding success stories and kill them with impunity.

Established players have massive advantages over startups. “What’s stopping Google, Microsoft, or Apple from doing this?” — virtually every VC-backed founder has answered this question innumerable times. It’s a fair enough question:

Startups can almost never compete on any of these fronts, so to win, they must lean into their unique strengths — strengths that massive companies cannot replicate.

Large companies don’t typically work very hard. They win through parallelised effort. The combined effort of a massive workforce of smart, but only moderately engaged employees1, accumulates into massive output. Startups are the opposite. In many early-stage startups, a single engineer accounts for 25–50% of the total output of the company. It is incredibly important for this person to be engaged and work very, very hard.

The unique advantages of small companies are:

To win, startups need to lean into each of these advantages because they’re a decade away from the kinds of moats enjoyed by established corporations2. This means they need to work smart (i.e., mostly do the right things) and work hard (i.e., execute at a pace and with intense risk tolerance). Remember: Goliath wins 99% of the time.


  1. Recently, Eric Schmidt caught flack for saying that “Google decided that work-life balance was more important than winning,” and this is why startups like OpenAI may disrupt them. Despite walking back these comments, Schmidt was correct. Every company decides how “startup” it wants to be. The reality is that every perk you offer subconsciously indicates to your team that this is a “rest-and-vest” environment, not a high-stakes startup. Making this transition can be beneficial, especially for aggregating talent, but it’s a tradeoff that makes it difficult to be nimble. ↩︎

  2. What about remote work? It’s possible to lean into these advantages while working remotely, but it’s much more difficult. This is why companies still creating product-market fit and a repeatable growth model should generally colocate. ↩︎

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